Battle for US – a flip for the House from Hawaii

100121 at 2:54 pm 17 comments

-by Linda Butts

Can’t blame them, really. Massachusettians saw a spark of hope to change their political affliction wrought by the Democratic Party. They, the people of Massachusetts, were smart enough to pick themselves up from their political numbness, to cast their votes to oppose the Congressional deafness that worked against the will of the people they (Congressmen) were in Washington to represent. Democrats didn’t count on one of their own losing a confirmed Democrat seat. Massachusetts is, after all, a democrat state in the order of Gramsci and Hawaii isn’t much different.

If they had been paying attention, the party of hope and change would have seen how miserably they were failing the people they were forgetting to hear, the people whose voice they were forgetting to present while assembled in Congress. That true blue state was blue from asphyxiation: blue, the color of the Democratic Party.

While Democratic Party Heads fumble over excuses for loosing Teddy’s seat to a Republican, Hawaii’s paper MSM (Honolulu Advertiser and Honolulu Star Bulletin) are trembling in silence on the modern day Tea Party that fouled a sure shot named Coakley last Tuesday in Massachusetts.

Like our cousins in the NorthEast, our Island people have had enough of the political chokehold imposed by Democrats. Like their overconfident counterparts who lost an unthinkable race to an unlikely candidate, Hawaii is set to present another triumphant liberation from a Democrat stranglehold. Massachusetts brought US Brown to the Senate. Hawaii can bring US Charles Djou to the House on the Hill. Yes!

The buzz is encouraging. Hawaii’s special election scheduled for May to replace the Democrat Representative (Abercrombie) as he runs for Governor of our Island State, Charles Djou is poised to be another Brown to upset the Democrat’s stranglehold in Washington. Councilman Djou’s political career shows him an outspoken, consistent and confident candidate, well qualified to shake his well known Democrat opponent in the special election. Djou may be a long shot, but so was Brown.

For the people of Hawaii tired of a Political Machine determined to keep doing the things that keep doing to US what we do not want done to US, Charles Djou offers a spark of refreshing relief. Yes! The movement to replace Democrat Deniers is strong! We can win back the right to be represented in Washington!

We’re worn from the onerous a Democrat Congress has put on US to pay its irresponsible way. We’re exhausted from a political party who demonstrates its belief that trillions of our money we haven’t even earned yet will make them happier. We’re appalled that a political party called Democratic would hostilely seize control of the Goose that lays the golden eggs to cause our free enterprise to falter. Apparently the Democrat’s aim in destroying jobs by destroying private business is to have US their employees, their full time servants, to live and serve at their whim. They’re killing US harshly with Democrat extravagance, excuses and narcissism. Democrats don’t get it. The people of US, the United states, do. Djou gets it, too. And when he gets to Washington, he’ll vote for US.

Entry filed under: election, inspiration. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , .

Crocodiles and Alligators on Brown’s winall Miss Me Yet?

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