Archive for August, 2009

the Cost of Media Bias? 15 points

What would the 2008 election map have looked like without its 15 points of media bias?

090811 at 9:41 am Leave a comment

Clunkers for $B


090809 at 6:54 pm 2 comments


What’s missing in the job description is WHO the military prisoners to be interned may include. To watch the telling vid, visit
mahalo to maukakane  -aloha! hepsy


Internment / Resettlement Specialists in the Army are primarily responsible for day-to-day operations in a military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility. Internment / Resettlement Specialists provide rehabilitative, health, welfare, and security to US military prisoners within a confinement or correctional facility; provide custody, control, supervision and security to internees within a detention/internment facility; conduct inspections; prepare written reports; coordinate activities of prisoners/internees and staff personnel.

What’s missing in the job description is WHO the military prisoners to be interned will include!

090805 at 9:18 am 8 comments

a Czar by any other name is still a Thorn

-by Linda Butts

Media skipped the transparent ink.

It chose bold, black ink, in the spirit of calling a Thorn a Thorn instead of a Blooming Flower.

Media chose a telling word to describe power bestowed to Presidential Elite: Czar. (It has a rather regal tone, doesn’t it?) Reagan had three (3) czars, Clinton nine (9) and GW, twelve (12). Russia, 1700-1900, had nineteen (19) czars. Current count for President Obama’s Czars, whose names are known: twenty nine (29) czars. (*updated 090823, now 30 czars) Not all czar positions have been filled, not all czars are identified.

Appointed czars do not need Congressional approval. They report directly to the president and have the power to shape National Policy. Senator Bryd pointed out that the presence of czars gives the president too much power.

Czars represent not the people, rather the president, which has been dubbed the Dictator Branch of Government. Maybe the Czars represent their own, self interests. There is no oversight of their actions or decrees. Maybe they are accountable to the president, maybe themselves, but not the public. They represent only power, not the people of the United States.

Obama’s Czars

  1. AIDs CzarJeffrey Crowley
  2. Afghanistan-Pakistan Czar Richard Holbrooke
  3. Bank Bailout CzarHerb Allison
  4. Border CzarAlan Bersin
  5. Car CzarRon Bloom
  6. Climate CzarTodd Stern
  7. Copyright Czar
  8. Cyberspace CzarMelissa Hathaway
  9. Drug CzarDave Cook
  10. Economic CzarPaul Volcker
  11. Education Czar
  12. Energy CzarCarol Browner
  13. FCC Diversity Czar — Mark Lloyd *updated 090823
  14. Faith-based CzarJoshua DuBois
  15. Government Performance Czar
  16. Great Lakes CzarCameron Davis
  17. Green Jobs CzarVan Jones
  18. Guantanamo Closure CzarDanny Fried
  19. Health Care CzarNancy-Ann DeParle
  20. Health Choices Czar
  21. Health Reform Czar
  22. Information/Infotech CzarVivek Kundra
  23. Intelligence CzarAdmiral Dennis Blair
  24. Iran Czar
  25. Middle East Peace CzarGeorge Mitchell
  26. Middle East Policy CzarDennis Ross
  27. Mortgage Czar
  28. Non-Proliferation Czar
  29. Pay/Compensation CzarKenneth Feinberg
  30. Regulatory CzarCass Sunstein
  31. Science CzarJohn Holdren
  32. Stimulus Accountability CzarEarl Devaney
  33. Sudan CzarJ Scott Gration
  34. TARP CzarHerb Allison
  35. Technology CzarAneesh Chopra
  36. Terrorism/WMD/nonproliferation CzarGary Samore
  37. Urban/Housing Affairs CzarAdolfo Carrion
  38. Violence Against Women CzarLynn Rosenthal

*updated 090823

Byrd Calls Obama’s Czars Dangerous – Political Hotsheet – CBS News
Biden Announces White House Advisor on Violence Against Women – Political Punch
Obama fashions a government of many czars | U.S. | Reuters
Counting the czars
Czar Watch – FOX News – Truveo Video Search
Czar Watch –

originally posted at

090803 at 12:17 pm 5 comments

Save Free Radio

Save Free Radio! Do you love your radio stations – the music, news and traffic? Do you love getting your music for FREE? It’s all in danger! Everything you love about your radio station could be a thing of the past! Unless you act NOW! There are bills before congress that threaten free music on the radio. The foreign owned record companies and misinformed artists want congress to establish a tax where stations would pay for the right to play music on the radio. This additional tax would change radio and put music radio stations in danger of going silent. Learn more…

Your radio station needs your help! By signing this petition and sending an e-mail to congress you are telling congress NOT to pass this tax on radio stations. Click below to sign the petition and save free radio! You also can make calls to your congressional leaders and email your friends.

090803 at 1:19 am 2 comments

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